If there is one thing I have learned about coming to an accurate knowledge of the Truth, on becoming a minister for Christ and Father, is that those who truly are footstep followers of Christ walk around with an invisible target on them. You may initially think that I am speaking metaphorically that I am a target for those who wish to do evil to those who do the Lord’s work. Actually I’m not. Yes, there are bad people in the world that would like to do me harm, but I am also a target for those who oppose the Holy side. Yes, Satan knows who I am. But I am not afraid. Because My God Yahweh has given me the strength and the knowledge and the faith that I need to stay the course. I will not be moved.

All throughout The Bible there are stories of prophets, priests, chosen ones, apostles and regular people who are persecuted in one way or another by evil. Evil seeks to pull you down, tear you apart, slowly eroding your heart like sand, piece by piece or in one big explosion. The goal is to drive a wedge between you and your Creator Yahweh. How big that divide becomes is in direct relation to how you respond to this process known as testing.

There are a number of forms of attack. Thought injection is the main form demons use against us. They plant ideas into our minds to cheat on our spouses, steal from our employers, lie to our families. They can lead us to make decisions that cause us to feel guilt and shame. But when it comes to our relationship with Father and Christ, they are on a mission like no other.

Probably one of the first things they try to do is to keep us from believing in Father and Christ at all. Perhaps instead they might try to get us to worship someone or something else or maybe nothing at all.

Next, if they can’t separate us from our Creator, their goal is to twist The Truth in The Bible and make us lean on our own understandings. I think we’ve all seen people or ministers who have done that.

Finally, they continue to work on the faith of believers in Christ and Father. Now, you wouldn’t think that would be an easy thing to do. But we all go through things that are traumatic in life that might shake our foundations. However, whatever we go through, Father and Christ remain the same. Their love and the promises They’ve made to us remain the same. However, once saved isn’t always saved and you have to work at remaining on the narrow path.

Being a Christian automatically makes you a target for testing. How you stand up to it depends on what your faith is built upon. Is Christ your Solid Rock Foundation? Or is yours made up of sinking sand?